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No Crisis Needed

Updated: Jan 29, 2023

Mental Health Awareness:

Understanding mental health and where to find help.

In recognition of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, I had to squeeze in time to come

through with a short blog entry. As an advocate for mental health and wellness, I try not to wait for May to come around to do my part to minimize the associated stigma. Each year, I’ve got some idea about how I’d like to generate more awareness, but I’m usually too busy to act on my goal. LOL. It’s OK, though! Who are the people saying that they don’t have “issues” or they’ve never had mental health concerns? The answer should be no one is still saying this!

Mental health is about our emotional and psychological well-being. It’s gauged by our awareness of personal or professional stressors and our ability to cope with circumstances that cause distress. There are a bunch of mental health myths that exist. If you only remember one, know that no problem, concern, or situation’s too tiny to influence your mental health.

Reasons to seek professional support.

Some of the reasons past clients have contacted me include the following:

  • Low esteem

  • Career dissatisfaction

  • Professional/Work-related stress

  • Break-ups/separation/divorce

  • Pre-marital/marital/couples issues

  • Relationship difficulties (Interpersonal)

  • Grief and loss (loved one, relationship, etc.)

  • Bouts of sadness, feeling overwhelmed, or irritable

  • Adjusting to life transitions (college, career, break-ups, relocation, etc.)

  • Etc.

Most people tend to “get by” on their own without professional support but at what expense? You don’t have to have a crisis or “breakdown” to seek professional support about anything causing you distress. Professional support/help may look like checking in with your employer’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counselor, a therapist, a life coach, joining a support group, consulting with your doctor, or having a psychiatric evaluation. You’ve got options! I ask my clients, “do you wait until your car runs out of gas to fill it up?” The answer should be no! So, don’t wait to talk to a professional until you feel like you can’t cope anymore. You’re among an elite group if you think you’re managing your stress well. Feel free to call me out on my sarcasm! Just remember, resilient people still need people.

"Resilient people, still, need people." A.Thomas

If you value your emotional and psychological stability, be active in caring for it the same way you care about all the other important things and people in your life. If you aren’t sure where to look for a professional, check out some of my favorite sites! You may filter by your location and other details that are important to you!

Psychology Today Therapist Directory
Therapy for Black Girls: Therapist Directory

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